DoIC Ladakh organises one-day PMFME seminar in Leh

Leh, February 23: Department of Industries and Commerce, UT Ladakh today organised a one-day seminar on the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) scheme in collaboration with the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) and the Dalit Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DICCI) at Sindhu Sanskriti Kendra, Leh.

Executive Councillor, Industries, LAHDC Leh, Ghulam Mehdi presided over the event.

The seminar aimed to encourage the SC/ST and other minority entrepreneurs to enter the business and industry sector by availing incentives of the different centrally and UT sponsored schemes.

Chief guest Ghulam Mehdi lauded the efforts of the organisers and the presence of large number of participants. He said the participants should act as the ambassadors in promoting and spreading awareness about the various initiatives and the schemes implemented by central and state government. He added that Ladakh is endowed with unique natural resources and possess huge potential in food processing and other industrial sectors. He shared that the products like apricot (Raktsey Karpo), seabuckthorn, buckwheat and pashmina, etc are endemic resources of Ladakh and with value addition can enhance the livelihood opportunities of the involved stakeholders.

He also urged the Industries Department and the banking sector to ensure that the benefits of the schemes reach the intended beneficiaries and to provide all the necessary and timely assistance in processing the required formalities in availing the benefits at the earliest.

Sharing the objectives and aims of DICCI, National Head, Banking and Finance, DICCI, Manjul Kumar added that DICCI works for the development of grassroot level entrepreneurs and acts as a bridge/link between the government and the entrepreneurs specially from the SC and ST communities. He also shared that DICCI aims to promote entrepreneurship as an alternative to all socio-economic development.

Manjul Kumar lauded the overwhelming participation of women and self-help groups (SHGs) in the seminar and urged all to come forward to develop Ladakh.

State Coordinator of Ladakh PMFME, Mansi Roy gave a detailed presentation outlining the components and significance of the PMFME scheme. Speaking about the growing market of the food processing industry, she added that Ladakh has huge potential in this sector. She said the scheme is aimed to encourage progressive farmers/SHGs and entrepreneurs to engage in the food processing sector and maximize the potential of food processing and agricultural activities.

Director, DIHAR, O P Chaurasia also spoke about the potential in horticulture sector in context of food processing industry.

Director, Industries and Commerce Department, Mohd Nazir Sheikh shared about the 40,000 seed capital provided to the entrepreneurs and also shared the need for conducting basic training for the entrepreneurs, SHGs. He added that the banks should provide dedicated staff to deal with the loans processed under different schemes. He also shared that any individual or group interested in establishing their food processing or any other sector related units should visit the Incubation Centre, Leh to avail information regarding schemes, loans and related issues.

Earlier, Industrial Promotion Officer, Mohd Zakiria highlighted in detail the components and the objective of the newly notified Ladakh Sustainable Industrial Policy 2022. He spoke about the various incentives provided under the manufacturing and service sectors to the existing and new units in regard to DPR, Stamp Duty, Transport subsidy, Green Energy, Quality Control Equipment, Pollution Control Devices, etc.

An informative question-and-answer session aimed at clearing the doubts about the scheme, loans and procedures was also held.

District officers/officials from concerned departments; Area Extension Officers; Self-Help Groups members; Individual entrepreneurs and Bank Managers of different banks operating in Leh district were part of the seminar.