Dr Nirmal, Prof Gharu, Anuradha, Arvind listen to public grievances
JAMMU August 7 : A large number of people from Jammu and other areas reached BJP headquarter, Jammu to take up their problems with former Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh and other leaders.

Dr. Nirmal Singh, alongwith Ex-MLA & DDC Prof. Gharu Ram, BJP Vice-President Anuradha Charak and Secretary Arvind Gupta, listened to the grievances of the people and took up every matter with the senior officials of the concerned departments and stressed upon them to take immediate measures to mitigate the sufferings of the people.
In today’s public darbar, people in groups and is individuals from Ramban, Doda, Billawar, Dina Amb, Jammu east, Uri (Kashmir), Akhnoor, Rajouri and Vijapur, had direct interaction with BJP leaders and informed about their burning problems related to release of salary, transfers, health treatment, Awas Yojna scheme, sanctioning of link roads, loans for setting up own earning units etc. A large number of the VDGs also met BJP leaders and expressed their gratitude towards the party for helping them in getting their salaries released, which was stopped in October 20017 and were suffering for so many years.
Dr. Nirmal Singh, on this occasion, said that the BJP leaders are available at the party headquarter on every working day and listen to the public with a motive of providing help to them in getting their problems resolved. He said that the BJP is not only a political party with the sole objective of getting votes in elections but a mission to remain in public and serve the people to the best possible extent. He said that the BJP cadre is always in front to stand with the public in their sorrows and joy.
“The BJP has proved, time and again, that it stands committed for the nation and its people”, Dr. Nirmal Singh said and added that self is last for us, which is the basic principle of BJP.
Prof. Gharu Ram Bhagat appealed to the people not to trust the Congress and other parties, which have turned issueless and are working only to defame BJP. He said that the people have very well seen this mis-governance of these parties for decades and cannot be misled any more.
Anuradha Charak and Arvind Gupta coordinated the grievances camp proceedings and diarized the issues presented by the visiting masses. They said that BJP leaders sincerely try to provide the solution to every issue presented by the visiting persons and deputations.