Education department team inspects private schools in Doda
DODA, APRIL 16: Flying squads constituted by Chief Education Officer Doda in compliance to the directions of Deputy Commissioner, are conducting surprise visits to the private schools to check the compliance of latest instructions issued by the department of School Education and District Administration. Flying squads carried out inspections of hundreds of private schools in the District within 2 days.

Flying squads inspected the records, transport, and fee patterns of schools. The investigation of schools was carried out by the Cluster Heads and ZEOs. A report regarding the inspection shall be submitted to the office of Deputy Commissioner Doda.
In some schools, the records were found to be inadequate, while at others, the transport arrangements were out of order.
The inspection was carried out after getting complaints from various students as well as parents that private schools are exploiting students and parents by charging hefty fees, violating School bag policy and other guidelines issued by the Govt from time to time.
The squad also took stock of the facilities being provided by schools to students.
After inspection, the School authorities were instructed to provide proper transport facilities to the students.
Additionally, the schools were also asked to improve the other facilities being provided to students.
Besides, the School authorities were directed to avoid pressurising the parents to purchase the stationary at exorbitant prices.
Director School Education Jammu and DC Doda instructed the officers of School education department to make detailed reports of the inspection.