Elections For Student’s Council Of KC Public School Held Digitally For The First Time
Jammu August 24: Elections for various positions in the School Students’ Council for the current academic year 2023-24were held recently, using electronic voting machines (EVM) developed by students of the school. It wasa breakthrough event since elections in the past were conducted using traditional ballot paper system.The EVMs used this year were designed by Class 12 students Himank Pandoh and Agastya Bajaj whosuccessfully put into practice the ‘Inventiveness’ tenet of the Round Square Discovery Framework(RSDF).

As a Round Square school, KCPS not only believes in but also gives tangible shape to the Round Squareideals of Leadership and Democracy by conducting elections for a wide array of positions of leadershipand responsibility in the Students’ Council of the school every year. Students of classes 11 contestelections for senior positions such as Head Boy, Head Girl, Sports Captain, Literary Captain and CulturalCaptain and students of class 9 vie for positions as their junior deputies. Students of classes 9 and 10form the electorate for senior positions and students of classes 7 and 8 vote for junior positions.
Chairman Raju Choudhary, Vice Chairman Arjun Choudhury, MD Arti Choudhary, Principal A K Mishraand Vice Principal Sanjay Pandey congratulated Himank and Agastya for their innovative work and alsoappreciated IT faculty of the school for motivating students to be inventive and original.