Empowering Workers: Public Awareness Camp on Labour Laws held in Mahoo Mangit
RAMBAN, JANUARY 04: The Labour Department Ramban today organized a public outreach camp at Mahoo Mangit to address public grievances and raise awareness about the employment schemes and crucial labour laws.

The camp was hosted by Assistant Labour Commissioner, Sushant in presence of DDC member Khari, Gulshan Parveen.
The focal point of the event was to enlighten the community about the Jammu and Kashmir Building and Construction Worker Welfare Board (JKBOCWWB) Act, as well as other pertinent labour laws, including the Employees Compensation Act and Payment of Wages Act, 1936. The camp served as a valuable platform to educate the local populace.
The attendees were provided with detailed information about the registration process, with the emphasis on understanding their rights and the benefits accessible through these legislative initiatives. The aim was to empower workers by guiding them through the procedures, highlighting the significance of securing various welfare measures offered by these Acts.
The event was also attended by representatives from banks and several other departments. This collaborative effort ensured a comprehensive approach to empower workers and disseminate crucial information about their rights and entitlements.