Farmers’ HADP orientation prog  commences from 24th April in Kupwara

KUPWARA, April 18: According to District Sheep Husbandry Officer Kupwara, the department in collaboration with other Agriculture and allied departments is going to conduct Farmers Orientation programme under Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) in the district. 

The programme shall commence from 24th April and will cover all 385 panchayats of 24 CD Blocks of Kupwara district. To accomplish the target, 133 Panchayat Ghars have been identified as orientation spots to cover all the panchayats across the district. 

The orientation programme shall be conducted by the resource persons including Gazetted officers and supervisory staff of the Agriculture and allied departments who shall record and collect the basic data and feedback from the farmers. 

The programme shall cover 45 projects conceived under HADP programme in which Audio visual aids will be put into use for effective orientation. At each location, the orientation shall be conducted for 3 days. 

For proper monitoring and supervision of the programme, each district officer of Agriculture and allied department shall look after 3 CD blocks. Booklets shall be provided to unemployed educated youth for mass awareness.