Fix responsibility about missing revenue maps; start online Girdawari forthwith: CS

Also asks for saturating benefits to farmers under CSS

SRINAGAR, JUNE 14: Chief Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta today reviewed the overall implementation of various schemes for development of Agriculture in J&K and exhorted upon the officers to fix the responsibility for misplacing 392 revenue maps (Mussavis) and initiate the process for recreating the same at an earliest.

The meeting was attended by Advisor & Chief Knowledge Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI; ACS, Agriculture Production Department; Commissioner Secretary, IT; Commissioner, Survey & Land Records; Director, Remote Sensing besides other concerned officers.

The Chief Secretary laid emphasis on early implementation of J&K Digital Agriculture Mission (Agristack) and said that the premise of missing of such a significant record is unacceptable and needs to be looked into seriously. He asked for carrying out a thorough investigation into the matter for fixing the responsibility for misplacing these maps. He also directed that these records be recreated without loss of time.

Regarding the Geo-referencing of cadastral maps of revenue villages, Dr Mehta observed that it should actually make the process of demarcation easy and more accurate. He also advised devising the SOPs/guidelines for resolving any issues or gaps arising from migrating the record from traditional system to modern systems.

He also emphasised on carrying out seasonal Girdawari (crop survey) digitally, capturing the actual record on ground in a more accurate manner. He further noted that in order to create the farmer’s registry, a mechanism should be devised to register actual cultivators so that the objective of Agristack is met successfully.

Dr Mehta remarked that the aim of this Agricultural Mission is to provide timely assistance to the farmers. He also said that it should be a means to extend credit facility etc to farmers with minimal human interface.

The ACS, APD, Atal Dulloo informed the meeting that the Agristack is a major initiative to digitally push Agriculture towards new paradigm. He said that it provides an ecosystem for facilitating delivery of various services to farmers.

He said that with its successful implementation a farmer would get access to the right advice at the right time regarding crop selection, crop health, selling of produce, access to inputs, loans and market besides benefits under different beneficiary oriented schemes for development of the sector.

The Commissioner, Survey & Land Records, Kumar Rajeev Ranjan apprised the meeting that the progress in digitization of land records is satisfactory. He said that the progress in computerization of land records is more than 96%.

Moreover it was given out that Geo-referencing of 72% cadastral maps has been completed till date. It was further revealed that both the scanned and digitized data is available in public domain.  The computerized records can be translated into multiple languages as per the requirement of the user, the meeting was apprised.

Later on the Chief Secretary chaired the State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) meeting of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) under Krishonnati Yojana, RKVY, MIDH and PMKSY.

The Chief Secretary laid emphasis on saturating possible benefits to farmers under these Schemes. He also asked for implementing the specific schemes in the areas where the results are likely to yield maximum benefits to public.

Dr Mehta also laid stress on promoting Millets as a ‘super food’. He asked them to utilize the  opportunity of Shri Amarnathji Yatra for its promotion. He also asked them to converge these schemes with the ‘One District One Product’ and Amrit Sarovar scheme for enhancing their impact on ground. He also asked for giving more focus to the production of pulses, cereals and oil seeds so that J&K contributes to reducing  import these from outside.

He enquired about the ways for enhancing the per capita income of farmers. He directed the Agricultural Universities to formulate a farm income tracking system so that its monitoring becomes possible. He took this opportunity to ask for making an export plan for all the crops grown here. He emphasized that the District GDP measurement is essential to take concrete steps for propelling UT on the path of progress and development.

He impressed upon the Agricultural Universities to make timely interventions to curtail the spread of certain diseases like leaf minor etc complains of which are made by orchardists. He enjoined upon the Deputy Commissioners to seek assistance from SKUAST in order to safeguard their areas from any damage by these pests.

On the occasion the ACS, APD, Atal Dulloo informed that together with Holistic Agriculture Development Plan (HADP) the CSS are going to bring substantial change in the Agriculture sector. He maintained that these schemes aim at enhancing the overall productivity of our cultivable lands. He said that the yield gap is going to lessen with each passing year through implementation of these programmes.

He further informed that the Department is introducing the Millet cultivation on 1100 ha of land first time in the valley. He said that the Department is planning to  introduce certification of organic crops through PGS system valid throughout the country. He stated that the Department plans to introduce the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) for certifying organic crops recognized throughout the world.

The meeting considered Annual Action Plan under seven components of  Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) including RKVY, Soil Health & Fertility, Rain fed Area Development, Per Drop More Crop, Agriculture Mechanization, Prampragat Krishi Vikas Yojana, and Sub-Mission on Agro Forestry. The  Annual Action Plan (AAP) to the tune of Rs 66.05 Cr was approved for funding by Government of India.

Similarly the AAPs for 2023-24 under Sub-Mission on Agricultural Extension (Rs 12.50 Cr), Food & Nutrition Security and National Mission on Edible Oils (Rs 10.29 Cr), Seeds & Planting Material (Rs 9.43 Cr) now rechristened under the new Krishonnati Yojana were deliberated upon in the meeting.

The AAPs for Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) accounting to Rs 47.78 Cr with the funding pattern of 90:10 by Centre and UT was also approved. In addition the AAP for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) having components like Har Khet ko Pani, Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme and Watershed Development was also discussed.

It was revealed that these schemes have multiple objectives aiming at increasing the overall productivity, replacement of seeds, providing assured irrigation facilities, better marketing facilities, value addition of crop produce, increasing soil fertility, besides creating employment opportunities for youth.