Former MLA campaigns in favour of Raman Bhalla in Muthi

BJP wave only in air, Congress works on ground: Balwan Singh

Former MLA Thakur Balwan Singh and Senior Vice President JKPCC today addressed workers’ meeting at Muthi in support of Congress Candidate Raman Bhalla organized by Raman Sharma(Block President Patta Ploura) and attended and addressed by many prominent persons like Rajroop Singh(Ex-Sarpanch) Muthi, Sham Lal and Vijay Kumar,  Ramesh Kumar (Ex-Additional DC) , SS Chib, Rajinder Sharma, Arun Sharma, Raj Kumar, Kamal Kumar, DP Sudan, Kali Dass Bhagat and others.

Balwan Singh speaking on the occasion said that with each passing day it’s becoming clear that BJP leaders from Jammu region have not been able to give a proper feedback to the policy makers sitting in New Delhi. There entire politics seems to be based on being in power and nothing more. He said that had these leaders been able to put forth the point of view of Jammu people in clear terms many issues could have got resolved by now. “It seems that the leaders of J&K BJP have made their national leaders believe that all is well in Jammu and there is nothing to worry about. They seem to have created a notion that whenever the Assembly elections are held in the newly carved out Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir BJP would emerge victorious and the first Chief Minister of the J&K UT will be from their party,” he added.

Balwan strongly maintained that BJP leaders seem to be unaware about the ground realities. He alleged that BJP has been totally failed to genuine issues of the people from Jammu region. He deliberated upon various day to day problems being faced by the public in the absence of any elected Govt. He said that it is most unfortunate that the common people have no medium to raise their voice for their basic necessities like water, power, healthcare and education due to the neglect of the BJP Govt. The people have to come on roads to express their anger and seek redressal of their genuine grievances. The utter failure of BJP which had the mandate of Jammu region since 2014 to carry forward the projects initiated by the previous Govt both at State and Centre and to upgrade the infrastructure and augument various supply schemes, have resulted into total mess and several projects either standstill or going on snail’s paces, causing great loss to Jammu region and adding hardships to the people on various fronts.

Balwan stated that people had enough dose of mis-governance in the J&K for last six years, saying people have realized that they have to support Congress which can address their issues and fulfill their expectations. On the collapse of administrative apparatus with regard to development and ensuring utility services, the insensitive Government has failed in releasing salaries and wages to the employees and work force”, he said. Asserting the commitment of Congress to regional and religious unity in Jammu and Kashmir, Singh said that the party cadre was prepared for any sacrifice to nurture and sustain this glorious legacy. He slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party for “creating hysteria over discrimination for nearly six decades.” He said that when it came to reckoning, they “betrayed” the people soon after taking over the reins of the Government. He said that the “2014 euphoria is terribly missing with disillusionment growing among people due to policy paralysis of the BJP Government which is struggling to put its act together after plunging the state into unprecedented political and administrative crisis.

Balwan further said that BJP has never fulfilled the assurances given to the people. Those who don’t honour commitments should be thrown out of power. Modi Guarantee has no security,” he said. He said, “when people unite, dictatorship ends. A country shouldn’t be known after an individual. But now instead of Bharat Sarkar, it is being called Modi Sarkar. Do you want to change the country’s name? It is time to banish the BJP and protect the Constitution.”He said the BJP wants to win 400 Lok Sabha seats as it “wants to change the Constitution”.  He described the electoral bonds as “white collar corruption” of the ruling BJP and said their alliance would form a secular, federal and inclusive government at the Centre. He said there was nothing like Modi model of development and the so-called BJP wave was only in the air. It is the Congress Party which works on the ground,” he told a poll meeting at Muthi.