GDC Marheen carries out Plantation Drive under ‘Mission Life’

KATHUA, April 19: The Eco club of GDC Marheen, in collaboration with the Department of Environmental Sciences, under the aegis of Mission Life carried out a plantation drive in the College premises today.

A large number of saplings of various plants were planted by students, staff members under the supervision of principal of the college Dr. Anupama Gupta.

Speaking on the occasion, the Principal of the College raised awareness among the students about the urgent need of afforestation and motivated the students to plant more and more trees to conserve nature. She said global warming is increasing on an alarming scale thereby affecting the ecological balance of the planet.

The event was organised under the supervision of Convener of Eco club Prof. Deepak, and Head, Department of Environmental Sciences Prof. Sheetal Sharma.

A large number of Volunteers participated in the event. The staff members present during the plantation drive were Mr. Pardeep, Dr. Munisha Devi, Prof. Sonika Jasrotia, Dr. Eva Sharma Prof. Nisha Taak and Prof. Charan.