General Observer inspects Election Dispatching Center at JKEDI Pampore
PULWAMA, SEPTEMBER 15: The General Observer for Pampore constituency, Vadarevu Vinay Chand today visited the election dispatching center at the Jammu & Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) in Pampore to oversee the arrangements for the upcoming Assembly elections.

During his visit, Chand conducted a thorough inspection of the dispatching and transportation processes, ensuring that all election materials were being efficiently sent to their respective polling stations. He stressed the importance of smooth and timely dispatching to ensure a fair and well-organized election process.
The General Observer also took the opportunity to brief officials and staff on their roles and responsibilities, providing detailed instructions to ensure flawless execution of duties on the day of elections.
He expressed satisfaction with the preparations in place, emphasizing that such efforts are crucial for a transparent electoral process.