Govt Hospital GN celebrates ‘World Hearing Day’
JAMMU, March 03: Govt. Hospital Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, celebrated “World Hearing Day” in the Conference Hall of the Hospital with this year’s theme “Ear and Hearing Care for all! Let’s make it a reality.” World Hearing Day Promotes Ear and Hearing Care access across the world and raises awareness of how to prevent deafness and hearing loss.

As part of Celebrations, Hearing Aids were distributed to Three Children under Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakaram (RBSK), suffering from Hearing impairment by Dr. Sanjeev Gupta A Grade Pediatric Consultant, Dr. Gurmeet Kour Sr. Paediatrician (DEIC) and Dr. Sanjeet Parihar Sr. consultant ENT. A PowerPoint presentation was given by Consultant ENT Dr. Manish Sharma on topic “World Hearing Day” and focus was made on Theme, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention and Rehabilitation Services for Deafness.
Dr. Parveen Yograj Medical Superintendent Govt. Hospital Gandhi Nagar, Jammu highlighted the importance of integration of Ear and Hearing Care into Primary Care Services through training and capacity building. With the use of Earphones, Earplugs, Loud music, use of ototoxic Drugs, and other industrial factors, WHO has predicted by 2050 there will be a burden of 2.5 billion Cases of partial or complete deafness and one in four persons will be affected by it worldwide.