Hiver Fest 2024 Concludes At KC Public School
JAMMU, December 20: Commerceand Economics students of class 11 at KC Public School organised the 8th edition of the annual HIVER FEST24 on school ground on December 19 and 20 to giveexperiential learning shape to their courses in entrepreneurship, management of funds and organising events as a part of their curriculum consisting of Business Studies,Accountancy and Economics under the mentorship of their Economics teacher Pooja Chaturvedi. The first edition of Hiver Fest was organised way back in 2016 and has since then turned into a mega event for aspiring students for learning various skills in fund raising and arranging sponsorship for the event. The Fest this year was sponsored by Titan, Fortofino, Swastik Diagnostic Lab,Bhojanwale,Vidya Mandir Classes, K S Furnituresand MulkhRaj Jewellers

All the students of KCPS from class 1 to 12 enjoyed themselves at the venue of the fest lavishly provided with a variety of stalls offering delicious winter treats and exciting games.
Dr. Vinay Chauhan, Director of Business School, Jammu University graced the occasion as Chief Guest and gave away lucky draw awards and coupons offered by sponsorsof the event.
The fest turned out to be a grand success with support and encouragement from Principal AK Mishra, Vice Principal Sanjay Pandey and Headmistress Sofia Jamwal.