HP&M Shopian organises Awareness programme on PM-FME scheme

SHOPIAN, February 13: Under the banner of Atma Nirbhar Bharat, the Department of Horticulture Planning and Marketing (HP&M) Shopian today organized 5th Awareness programme on Prime Minister’s Formulation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) scheme at Industrial Training Institute Shopian.

Area Marketing Officer Shopian, District Nodal Officer for the scheme addressed the students and presented an overview and potential scope of the scheme in the district.

The scheme offers 35% credit linked capital subsidy with a maximum ceiling of Rs 10 lakh and Rs. 40k seed capital per member for SHGs and producer Cooperatives with a support for Branding and Marketing of the processed products.

The audience was urged to come forward and reap the benefits of the scheme.

A successful entrepreneur and champion farmer Javid Ahmed Dar, CEO KHT shared his experience and success story with the students present on the occasion.

Experts from KVK Shopian and representatives of Lead District Manager Shopian also spoke on the occasion.

Area Marketing Officer Shopian along with his staff, District Horticulture Officer Shopian, Lead District Manager, Experts from Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Shopian and successful entrepreneurs in the Food Processing Sector attended the programme.