IAHV conducted Intuition Program (Prajna Yoga) for
visually impaired Boys students
JAMMU March 15: International Association For Human Values supported by
A corporate partner conducted a 2-day Intuition Program else called Prajna Yoga
program for Visually impaired Boys students At Residential School for Sightless
Boys Roop Nagar Jammu .

All the Visually Impaired Boys students participated both days with full zeal and enthusiasm in this workshop which is meant for empowerment of visually and hearing impaired children through IAHV’s Intuition Program.
The specially conceived program aims at imparting Prajna Yoga to ensure that these Differently Abled students get the ‘right thought at the right time’ through intuitive power.
This program makes them learn to perceive beyond their senses. The basis of the program is to blossom the deep and enigmatic faculties which is present in these visually impaired students in a latent form. The Intuition Process improves the differently Abled children’s intuition and enhances their sensory abilities, briefed the Organizer of the Prajna yoga Program Ajay kapoor at Residential School for Sightless boys Roop Nagar Jammu.
After Two Days and 4 hours Sessions the sightless boy students were able to correctly identify and explain by telling about the pictures, colors on sheets and the numbers recorded on a paper sheet by just touching the paper. They could paint the pictures by simply touching the Printed Cards and correctly choosing the colors including proper outlining.
They did it by accessing the intuitive abilities which helped them to connect
with the inner self. After the session, the participating Specially Abled students were
found infused with a lot of confidence.
On the Concluding Day, School Superintendent Mohd Shahbaz, Staff, Organizer for program, Faculty for workshop and volunteers were present. The Staff and Management was v thankful for such out of world Initiative by IAHV A specially Trained faculty of intuition program comprising Ms. Shreya Chugh and Rukmani Devi took first ever workshop specially designed program for kids and teenagers for Visually impaired students in Jammu which was assisted by other faculty Anuja jasrotia, Akshita Sharma, Aanchal , Sunny, Nirja , Prabha Slathia & dedicated team of volunteers Isha, Sonia, ashish, Sonam, Shubham, Anajali, renu sapro,Sunita, vijay, Khemlata, Rahul, Pratham, Dr Bahwana, Dr Shrey , Akshar Bhasin and staff of Residential School for Sightless Boys Roop Nagar Jammu who helped to execute the program perfectly.
Prajna Yoga is a new and revolutionary program for children and teenagers which enable the participants to tap into their intuitive abilities. Intuition is the ‘gut feeling’, the knowing or understanding something without the need for conscious reasoning or proof.
Traditionally, we are taught to follow our rational thinking and pay little attention to our inner voice, our gut feeling, which goes beyond the layers of reasoning.
During the two days of the program, participants learn simple and powerful techniques which enable them to access, cultivate, utilize and maintain their inherent intuitive abilities.
This ability is demonstrated through various blindfold activities, such as
reading, coloring, walking, playing games and so on. Regular practice enables much more powerful abilities in them and impacts all aspects of their life. Communication improves to a great extent and children learn to express themselves better.
There is an improvement in observation and perception as well. Behavior changes can be dealt with a lot of ease and effectiveness. Kids and teens report better health, sleep patterns and vibrancy.
The participants learn brain activation exercises, designed specifically for their particular age. They are guided through meditation and relaxation techniques, which is the key tool for accessing their intuition. The Main Benefits are Color identification; Students with low or no vision are able to identify colors, Improved mobility; more aware of their surroundings that helps them to move around more easily.
Get the right thought at the right time: being in a dynamic yet relaxed state of mind this alone is the most important ability which helps them cope with any life situation. Improved academic abilities; development of a photographic memory and ease in answering exams, Removal of fears Improvement in life skills; confidence, willingness to learn and readiness to face any challenges are some of the skills the participants reported after attending the programs.
The study shows more than 40% improvement in short term and long term memory
of the students along with significant improvements in recognitions, cognitive
abilities and mental health post workshops.