IIT Jammu hosts Vigyan Jyoti Students
JAMMU, March 25: The Indian Institute of Technology Jammu (IITJMU), the knowledge partner of Vigyan Jyoti Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) Udhampur, a residential Institution run by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti under the ministry of Education, Govt. of India hosted students from JNV Udhampur, KV Udhampur, and Govt. Girls High School Jaganoo.

Dr Riya Bhowmik, Associate Dean, Outreach and Skill Development Programs
(IITJMU), welcomed the students in an inaugural session and guided them on the lab visits, which included the Tinkerers lab, Environmental Lab, Geo technical Lab,
Central Workshop, welding, and Carpentry Workshop. The lab technicians and
associated officers answered all the queries of the curious students. After the visit,
Prof. Rakesh Singhai, Dean Continuing Education, IIT Jammu, encouraged the
students with a pep talk.
The Career Counselling cell of IIT Jammu also had a counselling session with the
group, briefing them on how to get into NITs and IITs and the route to follow. Mr
Daksh, Communication Officer (IITJMU), took a session to explain the importance of
communicating correctly, irrespective of the language used. Dr. Karunika Sharma,
Medical Officer (IITJMU), inspired the students by sharing her career experiences
with students. Dr. Fatima Parveez, Faculty of Civil Engineering, motivated the
students to choose a profession they like, and lovingly pursue it.
The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Mrs Jyoti Kaul, Project Scientist,
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (IITJMU), followed by refreshments. The visit was a great
learning experience for the students, and they appreciated the efforts put in by IIT
Jammu in organising the event.