In a first, USG Guided Amniocentesis done in Lalla Ded hospital

SRINAGAR, JULY 09: For the first time Amniotic Fluid Testing (AFT) was conducted in the Genetic Clinic of Fetal Medicine of Lalla Ded hospital, the hospital Administration informed through a communique issued today.

“The establishment of the genetic clinic has been the brain child of Prof Rizwana Habib HOD Obstetrics and Gynecology GMC and associated hospitals, Prof. Dr Majid Jehangir HOD, Deptt of Radio-Diagnsois and Imaging and Dr Muzaffer Ahmad Jan MS LD Hospital whose diligent and tenacious efforts culminated in the functioning of genetic clinic at LD Hospital.”, the communication stated.

It further stated that the clinic will be a boon for patients of the valley as they had to travel outside of valley for antenatal procedures like amniocentesis.

The efforts of Prof. Dr Ambreen Qureshi and team are praise worthy for pre and post procedural care and workup, acknowledged the hospital Administration.

The procedure was undertaken by Dr Hakeem Aijaz Associate professor department of Radiodiagnosis and the samples were acquired from a 27y/o female for genetic testing in view of positive NIPT and quadruple test.

All the guidelines as per PC PNDT Act were followed. Post procedure fetal and maternal vitals were maintained.