India favours secular character but is Congress secular questions Brig Gupta

Jammu January 18: As the date of Bharat Jodo Yatra entering J&K is nearing many tall but not really true statements are being made by the Congress leaders in order to mislead the people and woo them through emotional integration to join the Yatra, asserted Brig Anil Gupta (retd) spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party. One such lie is repeated often that Congress is a secular party. The reality in fact is far from the truth. “Ever since the days of Nehru secularism for the Congress meant appeasing the minorities. When an agitation was launched in the Jammu region led by Praja Parishad against the separatist and exclusive politics of the Sheikh, Nehru dubbed it as communal and joined hands with Sheikh to crush and suppress the nationalist agitation,” stated Brig Gupta.

While the BJP has always promoted co-existence, equality, and plurality as also a firm believer of Sarv Dharam Samadar, Congress has tried to prove its secularism by appeasing minorities and compromising the interest of the majority. If appeasement and caste-ridden vote bank politics is secularism then Congress definitely is secular. But the reality is that Congress is the most communal party with a proven track record of appeasement, promoting deep-rooted communal divide and inciting hate/violence for political gains, reiterated Brig Gupta. Despite its policy of appeasement of minorities, Congress has been losing election after election. To curb the trend, Manmohan Singh crossed all the limits when he said, “minorities particularly Muslims must have the first claim on the nation’s resources.”

Maximum communal riots in different states of the country happened during the Congress rule. Carrying on the British legacy of divide and rule Congress spared no effort in dividing independent India on the basis of caste, religion, language, and faith. The Sikh massacre as an aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s death which Rajiv Gandhi justified as “When a big tree falls, the earth shakes”, speaks volumes of the secularism of Congress. In 2007, the Congress government filed an affidavit that Bhagwan Shri Ram did not exist. In 2014, Rahul Gandhi who is leading the repentance Yatra and prime ministerial face of Congress said, “Those who go to the temples. molest girls.” In J&K Congress leaders made voter cards for Rohingyas and Bangladeshi Muslims but not for Hindu and Sikh West Pakistani refugees. Congress calls itself secular for coining the term “Hindu Terror” or “Saffron Terror.”  BJP is called non-secular just because it does not follow the sickular policy of the Congress and does not indulge in Hindu-bashing resorted to by libtards and pseudo-intellectuals backed by the Congress, lamented Brig Gupta.

The reality has dawned on many minorities who are inching toward BJP. It has shaken the very foundation of Congress as well as the confidence of its leaders. “Bharat Jodo Yatra is aimed at once again maligning BJP in order to win back the minorities and divide the Hindus, a futile exercise which is bound to fail against the BJP’s commitment to Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas and Sab Ka Vishwas,” emphasised the BJP spokesperson.