Indian PSU WAPCOS top amongst Consulting Services Firm category in ADB report

New Delhi [India], December 29 (ANI): The Asian Development Bank (ADB), in its report released on annual procurement, ranked Indian-PSU company WAPCOS as top amongst consulting services firms in water and other infrastructure sectors, with the highest sanctioned financed amount.

In another report on its members’ Fact Sheet – 2022 released by the ADB, WAPCOS figured amongst the Top 3 consultants from India involved in consulting services contracts under ADB loan, grant, and technical assistance projects in energy, transport and water, and other urban infrastructure sectors. WAPCOS is a leading technology-driven consultancy, engineering, and procurement and construction (EPC) organization in the fields of water resources, power, and infrastructure development.

The company has successfully completed/ongoing consultancy assignments in more than 51 countries covering Asia, Africa, CIS, Pacific Islands, and South America.