Information Department Leh holds one-day capacity building workshop for Journalists in Leh

Leh, June 17: Department of Information and Public Relations, Leh organised a one-day capacity-building workshop for journalists at Leh.

Indian Informative Service (IIS), Dr. Shalini Narayanan; Advocate, Rinchen Norboo; Editor, Stawa, Sunetro Ghoshal, and Cybercrime Unit, Ladakh Police, Leh were the resource persons for the one-day workshop.

The workshop focused on Fact-Checking Health Misinformation- Tools and Materials, Legal aspects of Journalism, Emerging Trends in Cyber Crime Challenges and Counter measures, and Art of Reporting.

Commissioner Secretary, Information, Padma Angmo, in her keynote speech, welcomed the guest speakers and briefed the participants about the importance of such workshops. She added that as Journalism is expanding in the region, such relevant workshops will help enhance the professional and personal growth of many young journalists. She added that any suggestive topics for next workshops from the media fraternity as per their needs would be well taken by the department. Adding the advantages of in person workshops, Commissioner Secretary urged the participants to take maximum benefit of the workshop.   

Earlier, addressing the welcome speech, Joint Director, Department of Information and Public Relations, UT Ladakh, Kacho Imteaz Ahmed highlighted the role and endeavours of the department. He also appreciated the sincere efforts of DIPR Leh in organising such workshops that would help in upgrading and enhancing the skills of various media fraternities.

In the morning session, resource person, Dr. Shalini Narayanan gave an in-depth presentation on ‘Fact-checking Health Misinformation Tools and Materials’  in which types of misinformation and ways to tackle such misinformation were discussed. Similarly, various fact-checking tools to verify images, videos, websites, and social media were briefed during this engaging interaction. She stressed that the biggest takeaway from the discussion should be the use of common sense and proper verification of any information/news. A question-and-answer session was held at the end.

In the afternoon session, officers from District Police Leh raised awareness on emerging trends in cybercrimes titled as ‘Satarkta Hi Bachav’. Challenges and counters measure to curb the rising incidents of such cases were also explained by the cybercrime unit personnel. Additionally, they urged everyone to be careful and alert while using digital apps and other online platforms, and stressed that reporting the crime is substantial to prevent oneself from being harassed mentally.

Further, Adv. Rinchen Norboo from District Bar Council Leh briefed on the Legal aspects of Journalism, focusing on the rights of journalists, those which are absolute and restricted, freedom of speech, right to dissent, right to seek information, right to conduct interviews and also punishments of defamation.

Lastly, Editor, Stawa magazine, Sunetro Ghoshal held an interactive session with participants on the Art of Reporting and its Challenges. The session also included discussions on laws for protecting the sources of media houses, and maintaining ethical standards, etc.

The resource persons were facilitated by Joint Director, Kacho Imteaz Ahmed and Assistant Director, DIPR Leh, Dr. Tundup Namgail presented the vote of thanks.

Members of the media fraternity from both government and private sector along with the officers and officials of the Department of Information & Public Relations, Leh participated in the one-day workshop.