Inter -DYTE centre Quiz competition organised in Samba
SAMBA, January 20: An inter center Quiz competition for the trainees of District Youth training & Empowerment (DYTE) centers of district Samba was today organized here in the Conference Hall of District Administration Complex.

Eight teams from DYTE centre Samba, Nud, Purmandal, Ramgarh, Vijaypur, Rajpura, Ghagwal and Sumb consisting of 5 candidates in each team participated in the program.
The team from DYTE Centre Ramgarh, Samba and Sumb bagged 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions, respectively.
At the outset, Sulakshna Thakur, Assistant Director Employment Samba, presented a brief overview of the activities being carried out in the block level DYTE centres.
At present 435 trainees including 319 male and 116 female candidates are enrolled in the block level DYTE centres across District Samba.
Rajinder Singh, ADDC Samba, the Nodal officer of the DYTE Samba, complimented the instructors and candidates for participating in the program. He motivated them to adopt a systematic approach for preparing for the competitive exams.
The DYTE is an initiative of District Administration Samba and Mission Youth department J&K wherein the rural youth in the age group 18-30 years, aspiring to join armed, paramilitary and related jobs, are imparted 3 month free academic and physical training by the instructors hired by District administration.