Is Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora Crossplay?

Are you looking forward to spending your weekend playing Avatar Frontiers of Pandora with your friends? But you are not sure if Avatar Frontiers of Pandora crossplay is enabled or not.

Don’t worry you are not alone in searching for this feature. Here’s everything you need to know about the crossplay availability in the game.

With crossplay, players across different platforms can play together with each other on different platforms in a single game session. The good news is yes, Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora supports crossplay!

Let’s learn more about the crossplay feature in the game and the platforms across which it is compatible.

Is Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora Crossplay?

Yes, Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora supports crossplay across all platforms. At present, the game is available on PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S. 

With the crossplay availability in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, players playing across any of these platforms can play together with each other in a single game session.

This means PS5 players can play together with Windows players, Xbox Series X/S players can play together with PS5 players, and so on.

So, now you can team up with your favorite players and play together. Fight the enemy troops ganging against them. Explore the game to the fullest in crossplay multiplayer mode!

How To Enable Crossplay In Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora Crossplay?

However, the Crossplay feature is auto-enabled in the game. But if it’s turned off, you can enable crossplay in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora by following these steps:

  1. Open the game, and go to the “Co-op Settings” option.
  2. Select “Crossplay” from the given list. And Turn it on.
  3. If you are playing on an Xbox console then you will have to tweak this option directly from your console.

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Is Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Crossplay PS5 PC?

Yes, Avatar Frontiers of Pandora supports crossplay between PS5 and PC platforms. This means that players playing across PS5 and PC can play together in a single game session.

Is Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Crossplay Xbox PC?

Yes, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is crossplay between Xbox consoles and PC. This means Xbox players can play together with PC players in a single game session.


Now that you know that Avatar Frontiers of Pandora supports crossplay, what’s stopping you from playing with your friends?? 

Go, take out your consoles, and start playing together. Happy Gaming!