Is Snowrunner Crossplay? Can You Play With Friends?

Are you starting to play Snowrunner and want to know whether or not it’s crossplay-supported? Well, we understand how excited you must be to play with friends and move on those rough snowy paths.

No doubt online games are 10 times fun when played with friends and crossplay makes this possible for people playing on different gaming platforms to come and play together in teams. 

So, let’s not make you wait further and explore the crossplay availability in Snowrunner. To add up to your excitement, yes Snowrunner is crossplay. But wait who all can play together, let’s find out!

Is Snowrunner Crossplay?

Yes, Snowrunner is fully crossplay enabled. At present the game is available on Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S consoles.

With the crossplay availability in the game, PS4 players can play together with Xbox X/S console players, Nintendo Switch players can play with PC, and so on.

Players playing on any of the above-mentioned platforms can team up together in a single game session in Snowrunner with the crossplay feature.

Now, players can enjoy an enhanced multiplayer experience. Deliver cargos, drive through rough roads, and much more all while playing together with your friends irrespective of the platforms they are on.

There are endless possibilities you can explore!

How do I enable crossplay on my SnowRunner?

If you are wondering how to enable crossplay in Snowrunner, then it’s super easy. You just have to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the settings option in the main menu.
  2. Find the Crossplay option and turn it on.
  3. Once you have enabled the crossplay, you can simply set up a multiplayer game from the Coop option in the main menu.

And you are ready to crossplay with your friends!

You may also be interested in reading Is Elder Scrolls Online Crossplay?

Is Snowrunner crossplay Xbox PC?

Yes, Snowrunner is crossplay between Xbox and PC. This means players playing the game on PC can play together with Xbox players in a single match.

Is Snowrunner crossplay PS5 PC?

Yes, Snowrunner supports crossplay between PS5 and PC. This allows players on PC to play together with PS5 players in a single game session.


Now that you know Snowrunner supports crossplay, go grab your remotes, invite friends, and play together. If in any case, your Snowrunner crossplay is not working, you can check your wifi connection, and start again.
Happy gaming!