Israel moves to open new international communications corridor

Tel Aviv [Israel], June 12 (ANI/TPS): Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi said they are using the benefits of the Abraham Accords to turn Israel into a global communications power.

To that end, the relevant government ministries on Sunday approved an agreed outline that will allow the laying of optical fibers and the creation of an international communication corridor along the oil pipeline line between Eilat and Ashkelon. Eilat is expected to soon take in oil from the Gulf. Israeli officials said this will create an international communication corridor for the passage of digital data between Asian countries, with an emphasis on the countries of the Abrahamic Agreements, to Europe and the West – through Israel.

Israel’s government believes this will lead to investments by international companies, to the establishment of server farms, to economic growth, to the creation of jobs and more, and “catapult Israel’s economy to new heights.”

Netanyahu commented, “Today we are reaping more fruits for the historic Abraham agreements that we (his previous government) brought. We will transfer optical fibers from Asia, the Arab countries, from Eilat to Ashkelon and the rest of the world. This will attract investors and make Israel a global communications center. This will boost Israel’s economy.”