Jammu industry body threatens to shutdown, if govt fails to withdraw property tax order

Jammu, Feb 24 (PTI) Opposing imposition of property tax in Jammu and Kashmir from April 1, Chamber of Commerce and Industries Jammu (CCIJ) on Friday threatened to call for a shutdown in Jammu if the government fails to withdraw the order.

“Chamber is of the firm opinion that this order of imposition of property tax should be withdrawn by the government to give a sigh of relief to the people of Jammu and Kashmir”, President CCIJ Arun Gupta told reporters here this evening.

He further said “if the government fails to understand our feeling than we shall have no other option but to go for a bandh call by consulting civil societies, bar association and others”.

Gupta said that the government had last year decided to take this initiative, but CCIJ took up this issue with the government and got it stalled.

“Now again the government has decided to implement the property tax from 1st April and issued a statutory order in this regard.”

Gupta further said at present the people of Jammu are much disturbed by non cooperative attitude of the government. Instead of giving relief to the general public, the government is imposing this property tax.

“The business community has outrightly rejected imposition of this property tax in the meeting held yesterday in chamber house and the participants and presidents of different bazars and trade associations unanimously opposed the implementation of property tax and demanded immediate withdrawal,” he added.

They were of the firm opinion that if the government refuses to withdraw this order the chamber should go for Jammu bandh.