Jammu University starts coaching Classes for upcoming JKSET examination
Jammu, August 29: In continuation with the visionary approach of the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu, Professor Umesh Rai, for encouraging and strengthening the students to excel in competitive examinations, the Department of Lifelong Learning (DLL) has organized Coaching Classes for upcoming JKSET Examination 2023.

The main objective of the Coaching programme is to prepare the student community who are appearing in the JKSET examination so that a good number of candidates become available for selection as Assistant Professors in higher education in the UT of J&K.
The Department of Lifelong Learning through its coaching programmes has always endeavored the strengthening of the student’s community by catering to their specific needs so that they can excel in various competitive examinations.
Dr. Jeevan Jyoti, Incharge Director, DLL welcomed the students to the department and shared her views and objective behind organizing such coaching programmes, The faculty members for the coaching programme present on the occasion were Prof. Sanjeev Gupta and Dr. Rakesh Atri who interacted with the students and shared the roadmap to success.
Dr. Vivek Sharma, Coordinator of the JKSET Coaching motivated the students to perform to their optimum capacity with confidence and undertake adequate preparation for attaining success in the various competitive examinations and also shared tips for cracking JKSET examination.
It is important to mention here that the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor has always laid thrust on undertaking more student-centric initiatives for making them excel in various competitive examinations so that they are able to serve the society.