Jammu University VC Flag-off MRDM Field Immersion

Jammu, Dec 26-: Prof Umesh Rai, Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu flagged off a four-week immersion program of a Master’s in Rural Development Management (MRDM) being run by the Department of Lifelong Learning, University of Jammu.

At the onset,Vice Chancellor interacted with the students and apprised them of the importance of field learning while referring to the life experiences of Vinoba Bhave, a prominent activist in the freedom movement. In his brief interaction with the students, he highlighted the field and its significance for knowledge creation for the future endeavours of the nation.

Further, he motivated the students to culminate their findings in the form of reports that can be helpful for the policymakers and other staked holders of rural society. The others who were present at the flag-off ceremony were Prof. Jasbir Singh (Dean, Social Sciences), Dr. Jeevan Jyoti, Director DLL, Dr. Vivek Sharma, Dr. Pallavi Sachdeva, Dr. Sandeep Singh and other staff members of DLL. The faculty members also accompanied the students for the field visit at Block Development Office, Miran Sahib wherein they interacted with the respected PRIs members and Block officials for the purpose of field immersion programme being conducted for the students of Masters in Rural Development Management.