JJM transforms lives in twin villages of Tulail Gurez

Kashpot & Kilshay receive tap water for the first time

BANDIPORA, November 13:  In a significant move aimed at improving the quality of life for its residents, Kashpot and Kilshay villages of Tulail received piped water supply for the first time after 76 years of independence with the implementation of JJM schemes.

Kashpot and Kilshay villages lying near LoC in the Tulail area of Gurez till now were dependent on springs; residents had long grappled with a daily struggle, accessing clean and safe drinking water. For generations, women and children trekked miles to the nearest water source, carrying heavy containers.

Their lives were defined by this relentless routine, leaving little time for education, livelihoods, or community development.

The turning point came when the administration recognized the urgent need to address this pressing issue. It marked the beginning of a remarkable transformation for the entire community of Kashpot and Kilshay twin villages.

The WSS Kashpot and Sudi Kilshay under JJM took shape with laying of pipelines, connecting the villages to sources known for its clean water.

The estimated cost for Kashpot WSS under JJM was 55.47 lacs, and for Sudi Kilasy, the estimated cost was 58.88 lacs.

The Deputy Commissioner Bandipora, Dr. Owais Ahmed said that such initiatives are part of government programs to increase access to clean and safe drinking water in rural areas through JJM.

He said that providing Kashpot and Kilshay villages with a tap water connection for the first time was a tough task due to their location on hills with high elevation but establishing a network of taps and distribution points within the village was necessary to make the water easily accessible to residents.

Dr. Owais said that despite the limited working season, challenging and tough conditions in difficult terrain of the Tulail area, the department and other stakeholders worked shoulder to shoulder to make the implementation of JJM schemes a success.

He said that the Sudi Kilshay scheme has been completed with 100 percent FHTC coverage, and WSS Kashpot will be completed before December this year.

Dr. Owais said access to clean and reliable water supply is a cornerstone of community development, positively impacting health, education, livelihoods, and overall quality of life for the area and is a vital step towards empowering communities in the border area.

The residents of these twin villages celebrated the arrival of clean, potable water right in their homes with immeasurable joy on their faces.

The transformation of these villages, from a place marked by water scarcity to one where the simple turn of a tap brought life-changing opportunities, exemplifies the power of government support and schemes for the welfare of the general public.

Dr. Owais emphasized that fast-track developments in border areas of Gurez in recent times are a sign of good governance towards strengthening border regions and ensuring all the basic facilities to the residents.

He said that these projects can significantly improve the quality of life for the residents of the village by providing access to safe and convenient drinking water, reducing the burden of water collection, and promoting better sanitation practices.

Over the successful implementation of the Jal Jeevan Mission, the locals expressed their gratitude to LG administration and Deputy Commissioner Bandipora for successfully executing the Jal Jeevan Mission projects in their area.

The locals said that earlier, it was a tough task for their women to trek miles and fetch water for daily uses, and during winters, it was impossible to fetch water from distant places.

The locals also expressed happiness for the efforts of Jal Shakti Department, its field functionaries, and all other stakeholders for successful implementation of JJM and providing tap water for the first time to the public of the area.