J&K Biodiversity Council, Forest Deptt organize workshop on ‘Biodiversity Laws and Strengthening of BMCs
JAMMU, FEBRUARY 7: A one-day training workshop on ‘Biodiversity Laws and Strengthening of Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs)” was organized at Udhyog Bhawan, Rail Head Complex, here today.

The day long workshop, which was organized by J&K Biodiversity Council in collaboration with J&K Forest Department, was presides over by Commissioner Secretary Forest, Ecology and Environment, Sanjeev Verma.
The event was attended by officials from line departments, subject experts as well as Chairpersons and members of various BMCs from Jammu region.
While emphasizing role of BMCs in Biodiversity Conservation, Commissioner Secretary Forest, Ecology and Environment, Sanjeev Verma, spoke about the main function of BMCs which inter alia included documentation of biodiversity and their continuous updation, information on access to biological resources and traditional knowledge. He apprised of sanction of the NTFP policy for meaningful involvement of forest dependent communities in NTFP collection making it an important livelihood opportunity for people.
He impressed upon the J&K Biodiversity Council, line departments and BMCs to work in tandem to achieve the desired goals as laid out for conservation of biodiversity, its sustainable use and sharing of benefits equitably. He also appreciated the active involvement of women SHGs in sustainable utilization of forest biomass and advised the department to scale up the activities.
During the program, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Chairman, J&K Biodiversity Council, Dr. Mohit Gera, gave a detailed account of activities of Biodiversity Council to ensure Biodiversity Conservation in Jammu & Kashmir. He also highlighted the role of BMCs in Biodiversity Conservation and need to build their capacity for effective discharge of their role and responsibilities.
He impressed upon BMCs to work with full zeal and dedication and get associated with the updation of People Biodiversity Registers which is the document of biodiversity within their jurisdiction.
Subject matter experts who shared their experience and expertise with the participants included Dr. C M Seth, members J&K Biodiversity Council who spoke about Biological Resources Conservation and Traditional Knowledge associated with it.
Dr. Syed Tariq gave a resume of Agro-biodiversity of Jammu while as Rakesh Verma, Range officer made a presentation on Biodiversity Act, Rules and functioning of BMCs.
The training programme was attended by the Conservators of Forests, DFOs, Range Officers and officers of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department, Horticulture Department, Floriculture Department, Fisheries Department, Agriculture Department, Urban Local Bodies Department, Forest Protection Force besides Chairpersons and members of District level Biodiversity Management Committees of Jammu region.