JMC to intensify work on Solid Waste Management under Mera Shehar Sabse Sunder: Mayor Jammu
JAMMU, January 2: Mayor Jammu, Rajinder Sharma today said that Jammu Municipal Corporation was very particular towards Solid Waste Management System especially segregation of waste at the door steps of each household.

The Mayor announced that Jammu Municipal Corporation is going to launch the implementation of Solid Waste Management System and Segregation of the waste in a big way so that the slogan given by him “Mera Shehar Sabse Sunder” may come true.
The Mayor said that Solid Waste Management and sanitation will play a vital role in the beautification of the City. “Solid Waste Management and sanitation is an essential service in any society. It is to be ensured that no household, shops etc throw litter on the road and a systematic process be introduced for keeping the Jammu city clean.
The Mayor said that major components are involved in better management of Municipal Solid Waste in any city i.e Segregation, Collection & Transportation, Processing and Disposal of the waste. The Segregation of the Municipal Solid Waste to be done by the households , Shops, commercial places etc in two ways in separate dustbins. Green color dustbin to be used for Wet waste (biodegradable) and blue color dustbin to be used for Dry waste (non-bio-degradable).
The Mayor said that monitoring is an important part of it and for that Jammu Municipal Corporation has decided to launch segregation of household waste in a big way by starting the segregation process initially from 100 households from each ward which will be monitored by Councillors of the respective wards, different stakeholders/volunteers Health & sanitation staff. Ward Councillors of respective wards along with different stakeholders/volunteers Health & sanitation staff will inform children of 100 selected households of a ward, then to their parents & their maids for proper segregation of the waste. It has been also decided that an awareness drive will also be conducted in the schools which are nearby these houses. Proper safety equipment will be provided to Safaisathies and lime/ bleaching powder will be sprinkled in these areas once in a week.
Mayor disclosed that monitoring of these segregation activities will be taken care of by a nine members Committee. Members of the Committee are respective ward councillors, 4 volunteers of the area, sanitary inspector, sanitary supervisor and their helpers.
Mayor said that collection of segregated waste will be done in partitioned auto which will be designated as ward wise and transported to the Waste processing side via transfer station. Jammu Municipal Corporation is in the touch of multiple agencies / Stakeholders who can provide the suitable latest waste processing technologies i.e Eco friendly waste management, Production of Bio-Compressed Gas etc so that a sustainable waste management practice can be adopted by the Jammu Municipal Corporation for a better Jammu city.