KC Public School observes India Week ahead of Independence Day

India Week is celebrated at KC Public School every year around the Independence Day. This year, the celebration includes keynote addresses by eminent scholars. Prof Romesh Salgotra, Director of Institute of Biotechnology, (SKUAST, Jammu) addressed senior students of KCPS today morning and marked the beginning of the celebration.

In his address, Prof. Salgotra dwelt in detail on the significant strides India has undertaken since Independence in the field of agriculture. He referred back to human history to pinpoint the time when human beings started cultivating grains about 105000 years ago and started domesticating animals just about 10000 years ago. Cultivation of plants occurred independently in at least eleven regions on the planet earth. He added that man’s agricultural endeavours still continue to
dominate human beings’ quest for further growth and development.

Stressing on the exceptional work being done in the field of agriculture at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agriculture, Prof Salgotra apprised KCPS students of the efforts being made by the University to achieve high standards of excellence in the education, research and extension areas for the betterment of the farming communities in Jammu and Kashmir region. He informed the students that there are several Research Stations/Sub Stations of the University located in
different agro-climate zones of J&K which are catering to location specific needs of farming communities.

Prof Salgotra concluded his address by inviting KCPS students to visit and observe for themselves some of the outstanding research projects being carried out by the SKUAST.

In his thanks giving address, Principal AK Mishra expressed his gratitude towards the keynote speaker and the guests of honour Prof Vikas Sharma (HOD, Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST) and Prof Vivek M Arya (Professor & Nodal Officer, SKUAST) for sparing their valuable time to spread awareness among KCPS students about agricultural research being conducted for the betterment of India.