Kishtwar: NSS volunteers conduct Plantation, Beautification, cleanliness drive on College Campus

KISHTWAR, January 04: NSS unit of Degree College Kishtwar on Wednesday carried out a plantation and cleanliness drive on the college campus. The whole event was organised under the patronage of College Principal Prof. Dr. Jyoti Parihar.

Around 70 NSS Volunteers along with NSS PO Prof. Sonika Sen participated in the event organised with the aim to promote beautification of the college campus. 

The Principal also addressed the volunteers and stressed on the importance of increasing the green cover of the college and making the campus polythene and garbage free.  The Volunteers conducted cleanliness drives in the Arts block, Science block and Administrative  Block.

The Degree college Kishtwar is going through the NAAC accreditation process in the near future for which  preparations have been already accelerated by the  Principal.

Other staff members who participated in the event were  Prof Ather Hussain, Prof Ajay Kumar, Prof Madhav Ram and  Akshay Sharma.