Kissan Sampark Abhiyan kick-starts across all the districts of Kashmir
Program aims at providing farmers with necessary knowledge & skills to adopt sustainable, environment friendly agricultural practices
SRINAGAR, APRIL 24: Kissan Sampark Abhiyan, a farmer orientation and skill development program, started today across all the districts of Kashmir.
At the districts’ level, the programme was organized in all panchayats spanning across all blocks with an aim to sensitize farmers about new interventions approved under the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) and benefits under other centrally sponsored schemes.
Through HADP, participants will have the opportunity to learn about new and innovative farming techniques and technologies that can help them increase their yields and profits.
At Budgam: the Kissan Sampark Abhiyan, a farmer orientation and skill development program, started across all Blocks of the district.

Chairman, District Development Council (DDC) Budgam, Nazir Ahmad Khan, along with ADDC Budgam, Dr Akramullah Tak presided over the similar program at Panchayat Halqa Aripathan in Beerwah Block.
During the program, resources persons from Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, Fisheries and other departments raised awareness regarding various schemes available with them among the participating farmers.
The awareness was also raised through short films screened during these orientation programs.
Farmers were given awareness and training regarding, Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Fund, Integrated Poultry Development Program, Agriculture Infrastructure Development Fund, Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund, PM Kissan, Soil Health Card, PM Kissan Mandhan Yojna, PM Krishi Sinchai Yojna, PM Fasal Bima Yojna and other schemes and initiatives.
Speaking on the occasion, DDC Chairman Nazir Ahmad Khan said that the aim of this grand program is to ensure holistic development of agriculture and allied sectors and make farming progressive and prosperous to farmers.
He urged farmers to ensure maximum participation in ‘Kisan Sampark Abhiyan’ to avail orientation and skilling courses for all interventions, latest techniques, explore new possibilities and make farming more accessible and profitable.
PRIs, BDOs, representatives from all departments also attended the program.
At Shopian: the Agriculture Production Department Shopian today launched an extension orientation programme ‘Kisan Sampark Abhiyan’ for the farmers of the district.

The three day orientation programmes were inaugurated by PRI members, including DDC members today in various Panchayats, spanning across all blocks of the district.
The main function was held at Panchayat halqa, Pahnoo where DDC Chairperson, Bilqees Jan inaugurated the orientation programme in presence of DDC Member, Abdul Rashid Lone, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Yar Ali Khan, District Officers of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, Bank, Fisheries, NRLM and others.
Speaking on the occasion, DDC Chairperson said that the farmers shall be able to orient themselves about 29 projects designated for their welfare and development under the programme. She asked farmers to avail the opportunity and employ latest technological interventions in the sector for their economic benefits.
She further exhorted upon the trainers/ officers to educate the farmers about the programme in detail and ensure the increased participation of farmers and Panchayati Raj Institution members.
Additional Deputy Commissioner, Yar Ali Khan said that due to availability of the latest technological interventions and practices, it is easy for farming communities to increase their productivity while taking expertise of various resource persons of the allied departments in view.
On the occasion, pamphlets with latest information about various Centrally Sponsored Schemes were also distributed among the farmers.
These programmes are aimed at helping farmers increase their spending in the sector, ultimately leading to an improvement in their productivity and production that will provide farmers with learning opportunities.
At Ganderbal: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ganderbal, Shyambir today visited Panchayat Ghar Theeru where he kick-started the 3 days training program as part of Kissan Sampark Abhiyan under Holistic Agriculture Development programme.

The orientation program was attended by Chief Agriculture Officer, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, PRIs besides huge gathering of farmers.
Kissan Sampark Abhiyan was today launched in 4 blocks of the district including block Ganderbal, block Lar, block Kangan and block Gund. The Programme shall continue till 30th August during which all panchayat halqas of all blocks shall be covered.
On the occasion, the DC also launched the handbook of Kissan Sampark Abhiyan besides videos on approved projects under the scheme were also screened.
Speaking on the occasion, the DC highlighted the purpose of the scheme saying that the scheme has been launched to provide all facilities related to development of the agriculture sector under one roof so that overall development of the agriculture sector is ensured.
He appealed to PRIs and farmers especially youth to come forward and register themselves to take the benefit of the scheme and play their role to boost agriculture production and productivity in the district to enhance the economy of the farming community.
While interacting with the officers of the Agriculture and allied departments, he enjoined upon them to ensure all doubts about the scheme are cleared during the training programme besides complete handholding is ensured to the interested farmers.
During the training programme the farmers were acquainted about the objectives of the scheme, approved projects, registration process, scope besides online registration facility was also made available in all 4 blocks of the district.
Meanwhile, Additional District Development Commissioner Ganderbal, Mushtaq Ahmad Simnani visited Panchayat Halqa Surfraw, block Kangan and inspected the proceedings of Farmers Orientation Programme there.
Additional Deputy Commissioner, Mehraj-u-Din Shah also visited Panchayat Wayil where he participated in a training programme besides, SDM Kangan inspected the arrangements for the programme at Panchayat Halqa Margund block Gund and urged the farmers to take benefit of the scheme.
At Anantnag: As part of Holistic Agriculture Development programme, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Anantnag, Dr Basharat Qayoom today inaugurated the Kisan sampark Abhiyaan at panchayat Halqa Aukura of Khoveripora block.

Chief Agriculture officer, Aijaz Hussain Dar said that under the said project more than 29 agriculture and related activities will be kept open to farmers and they have to select their field of interest and expertise.
He said that it is the farmer orientation programme and the primary concern is to generate employment. The farmer can avail financial help up to 50 crores, he added.
He said that the government is keen to develop the agriculture and allied sectors to make this sector an employment generation sector besides to make the farmer self-sufficient and self-reliable.
The project includes the training sessions for farmers in concerned fields, said the CAO.
DDC while speaking on the occasion said that Holistic Agriculture Development programme is a flagship, ambitious programme for UT. He said that more than 70% of the population is directly or indirectly related with the agriculture and allied sectors and mass participation in the said programme will bring a sea change.
He said that farmers must avail the benefits of schemes of government like PMKSY, PMKISAN, SHC, KCC, IDDS, IPDP, AHIDF, PMSBY, PMKMY etc, besides to register themselves on the portal. Implementation of new scientific techniques and technologies will definitely yield good results, he said.
It is important to mention here that the Holistic Agriculture Development programme is being held in various blocks of Anantnag viz Achabal, Doru, Khoveripora etc.
The programme was attended by the CHO, CAHO, CSHO, BDOs, officers of fisheries department, Officers of agriculture department, large number of farmers besides the field functionaries of agriculture department and media fraternity.
Latter, the DC who is also the chairman of jal jeevan mission Anantnag flagged-off the prachar rath vehicle which carried the message of save drinking water in presence of ADC (A), SE Hydraulic, Xens of jal Shakti Bijbehara, qazigund, incharge DPMU besides other officers of Jal Shakti department.
At Pulwama: Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare Department Pulwama, in collaboration with Allied Departments and KVK Malangpora, today organized a daylong awareness cum sensitization programme to carry out Farmers’ Orientation during Kisan Sampark Abhiyan under Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP).

The programme was convened by the District Administration led by Deputy Commissioner (DC) Pulwama, Baseer-Ul-Haq Choudhary. He visited KVK Malangpora and addressed a gathering on the occasion of Kisan Sampark Abhiyan at KVK Malangpora, in Awantipora.
Additional District Development Commissioner, Chief Agriculture Officer, Chief Horticulture Officer, District Sheep Husbandry Officer, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, Chief Scientist & Head KVK Malangpora, other District/ Sectoral Heads of various departments and all Block Development Officers were also present.
Addressing the participants, DC said that the launch of Kisan Sampark Abhiyan in all panchayats of Pulwama is to educate farmers on various issues, including business management, entrepreneurship and government schemes.
The DC issued directions to the Officers of different departments and representatives of PRIs present in the meeting to attend the training programmes for availing and harvesting maximum benefits from the Govt Sponsored schemes and Projects formulated under HADP.
He added that awareness camps will be organized in each panchayat across the district to sensitize and acquaint farmers with opportunities offered under different schemes of Agriculture and allied sectors under HADP.
The DC said during Kisan Sampark Abhiyan farmers will receive education about 18 centrally sponsored schemes that have been designed for their welfare and development.
This change is aimed at helping farmers increase their spending in the sector, ultimately leading to an improvement in their productivity and production, he said.
The DC said the significant initiative will ensure effective and efficient implementation of projects under Holistic Development of Agriculture and Allied Sectors.
He further added that Holistic development of agriculture and allied sectors have three important dimensions, economic development, social inclusion and environmental protection and this Kisan Sampark Abhiyan’ campaign would pay special attention on these for the progress and lasting prosperity of farmers
The collaborative efforts of UT administration, PRIs, Progressive farmers, Cooperative Societies, Self-Help Groups, FPOs and other stakeholders will be the central pillar of the efforts to realize the goal of Atmanirbhar Pulwama in the agriculture sector, he added.
Meanwhile Kisan Sampark Abhiyan was organized all over the District. ACR visited Rajpora and addressed the Kisan Sampark Abhiyan.
Addl. Dy. Commissioner Tral, S. Y. Naqash presided over the program in Tral and made awareness about the various schemes and importance of this program to the farmers.
At Kulgam: the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Kulgam, Dr Bilal Mohi-Ud-Din Bhat visited Panchayat Ghar Laroo where he kick-started a 3 days training programme organized under Kissan Sampark Abhiyan.

Speaking on the occasion, the DC highlighted the purpose of the scheme saying that the scheme has been launched to ensure overall development of the agriculture and allied sectors.
He appealed farmers, especially youth, to come forward and take this opportunity to register themselves to take the benefit of the scheme so that their economic condition is improved.
DC asked the PRIs and farmers to take benefit of the scheme and play their role to boost agriculture production and productivity in the district.
Chief Agriculture Officer said that the purpose of Kissan Sampark Abhiyan is to make farmers fully aware about the various projects approved under HADP as well as other schemes already in vogue in Agriculture and other allied sectors.
HADP is expected to be a game changer for agriculture and allied sectors in the coming years.
It was informed that Kissan Sampark Abhiyan will be held in all the 178 panchayat Halqas of 11 blocks of District Kulgam and will continue up to 31st August 2023.
At Kupwara: The ‘Kissan Sampark Abhiyan’ Farmers Orientation programme under Holistic Agriculture Development Programe (HADP) was kick-started today in Kupwara district.

The programme was formally inaugurated by Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC) Kupwara, Altaf Ahmad Khan at Batergam Panchayat of Kupwara CD- Block.
The programme is covering 45 projects conceived under HADP in which Audio visual aids are put into use for effective orientation and awareness.
In his presidential address, the ADDC Kupwara, expressed his happiness towards all the line departments for reaching out to the farmers of the district through programmes like Kisan Sampark Abhiyan. He emphasised on the use of Information & Communication technology for amelioration of the Agriculture sector in the district.
He also focussed on dissemination of knowledge from lab to land through Panchayats .
ADDC asked concerned to disseminate awareness among the farmers about modern tools and techniques that have been incorporated in HADP and use different extension methods to motivate the farming community in adoption of proposed interventions in the approved projects
Dr. Ishrat District Nodal Officer HADP described the aims and objectives of the HADP . He said that the plan will change the face of the Agriculture sector in Kupwara district.
During the first technical session experts from different fields gave a detailed power point presentation about Project description and plan of work. They deliberated on the innovative and holistic approaches for promotion of Agriculture and allied sectors.
Dr.Ishrat said that all logistics, refreshments, Audio visual aids and information booklets have been kept available at orientation venues across the district.
The programme concluded with Interaction cum Feedback Session between the experts and farmers.
The programme was attended by Member District Development Council Drugmulla; Adv. Amina, District Agriculture Officer G.M Dhobi, Chief Animal Husbandry officer Kupwara; Dr. Ashraf, Block Development officer Kupwara; Mansoor Ahmad Shah and other officers and functionaries and technical staff of line departments.
At Handwara programe was inaugurated by ADC Handwara Nazir Ahmad Mir at Budarhar Panchayat.
At Bandipora: The Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with the District Administration Bandipora on Monday, organized an orientation program as part of the Holistic Agriculture Development program (HADP).

The program was inaugurated by Deputy Commissioner (DC) Bandipora, Dr. Owais Ahmed in the presence of Nodal Officer Coordination (ACD) Bandipora, Mohammad Ashraf Hakak.
CAO informed that orientation program for farmers shall continue till 31st of August and shall be conducted in all the 151 panchayat halqas of the district.
He said under the program 29 new projects will be implemented regarding agriculture and allied sectors where unemployed, educated youth will get ample opportunities to set their agri business.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Owais said that the program seeks to promote sustainable and holistic agricultural practices that not only benefit the farmers but also contribute to the conservation of the environment.
Dr. Owais said the program aims to reach out to as many farmers as possible and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to transform their farming practices.