KVK B’pora organises Training programme for promotion of niche crops

BANDIPORA, February 13: Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Bandipora in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture Bandipora today organized an Orientation & Training Programme on Promotion of Niche Crops at the Training Hall of KVK Bandipora.

Officials said promotion of niche crops is one of the 29 projects, which were approved by the Jammu and Kashmir administration after being recommended by the UT level apex committee for holistic development of agriculture and allied sectors in J&K.

The project aims at diversifying and expanding the area of niche crops over an area of 11,100 hectare, thus ensuring livelihood security for 1,11,000 targeted beneficiaries with a revenue realization of Rs 2,238 crore.

Four power point presentation were delivered during the training programme on different aspects of Seed Production and Supply Chain and Details of Implementation of the Project in the district by Dr Tariq Sultan Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra Bandipora-I, Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat Incharge Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Gurez , Abdul Majeed Lone District SMS Agriculture Department Bandipora and Dr Tahir Saleem Scientist (Vegetables) KVK Bandipora.

During the programme queries raised by the field functionaries regarding implementation of the project were duly addressed by the resource persons.

Chief Agriculture officer Bandipora, Mujtaba Yahya; Programme Coordinator KVK Bandipora, Dr. Tariq Sultan; Incharge Head KVK Gurez, Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat; District Agriculture Officer, Gh Hassan Parray; District Subject Matter Specialist, Abdul Majeed Lone; KVK Scientists, Dr Tahir Saleem and Dr Hilal Ahmad Malik besides Field officers of Department of Agriculture participated in the training programme.