Labour Department conducts awareness programme for BOC workers in Doda
DODA, July 10: An awareness programme was today organized by the Labour and Employment department Doda for Building and other Construction (BOC) workers.

Speaking on the occasion, Idress Lone, Assistant Labour Commissioner, made the participants aware about the welfare schemes being implemented by the J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board, (JKBOCWWB).
Chief Guest, Roopali Gandotra, Assistant Labour Commissioner JKBOCWWB, in her address, briefed the participants about the welfare schemes of JKBOCWWB in vogue and those to be incorporated from the next financial year, including increase in the rate of scholarship for different classes, special scholarship for the wards of Registered BOC workers who secure 90% and above marks, re-induction of marriage assistance. The chief guest has asked the construction workers to register themselves with the department to avail the benefits of the welfare schemes for betterment of their families.
The function was also attended by staff of the labour and employment department.