Laparoscopic enucleation of hydatid cyst of liver performed at district hospital shopian
SHOPIAN, May, 05: In a first, laparoscopic liver surgery of a 45 year old hypertensive female patient with radiologically diagnosed huge hydatid cyst of right lobe of liver was operated successfully at District Hospital shopian

The surgery laparoscopic en-nucleation of hydatid cyst of Liver was performed under the meticulous expertise of laparoscopic surgeon Dr Seth Mujtaba and the anaesthesia team comprising of Dr Ajaz wani and Dr Aatif nabi shah.
The paramedical staff assisting comprised of Mr Fayaz, Mr Ajaz, Miss Sameena, Mr Umar, Mr Nasir and Mr Gulzar.
It is pertinent to mention that laparoscopic hydatid cyst surgery is a procedure that is usually performed at tertiary care centers in view of the surgical expertise needed and high anaesthetic risk in view of potential anaphylaxis.
The team thanked Dr Rubina Maqbool, MS DH Shopian, for providing proper logistical support for the procedure. Dr Shafi, consultant surgeon, also played very crucial role.