Leather product training with CSIR-CLRI-Chennai organised by Industries Deptt Ladakh
Secy Industries Ladakh inaugurates & interacts with trainees

Leh, May 03: In an ongoing endeavour to create an ecosystem of skilled women to become successful entrepreneurs, and enterprising Self-Help Groups, an awareness cum product demonstration training programme has been organised by the Department of Industries and Commerce, Ladakh with experts from CSIR – Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai at the Department of Handicrafts, from 2nd to 4th May in Leh and on 5th and 6th May in Kargil.
Secretary, Industries & Commerce Department,Ladakh Saugat Biswas interacted with the participants and enquired about their aspirations and expectations from the Department.
Biswas discussed with Assistant Director, Handicraft Department Dr. Stanzin Rabgais developing a section at the Brand Ladakh showroom for selling essential items – tools and tapestry – required for the production of leather products, etc. He stated that quality tools are a prerequisite for producing good products and stated that this step will ease the availability of such items, not easily available in Ladakh, as flagged by the participants.
Further, Biswas directed Joint Director, Department of Industries and Commerce, Lakshya Singhal to organise a visit of the participants to the Brand Ladakh Showroom situated in Leh market and also organise a session on the Sustainable Industrial Policy for the participants’ understanding.
Biswas stressed on the importance of producing refined and quality products and urged the participants to make the most of such workshops to learn and produce well-finished products, with emphasising on creating a Unique Selling Point for the product.
The Commissioner/Secretary also directed the concerned officials to install the recently procured machinery for leather product manufacturing at the Common Facility Centre at Chuchot, Thiksey and Matho for the leather product manufacturers of the surrounding villages to benefit from. He also informed that post the procurement of more machines, similar facilities shall be made available at other blocks.
Discussions were also held on organising a month-long hands-on training programme at CSIR Chennai in the coming months, specially designed for women entrepreneurs.
Executive Councillor Ghulam Mehdi, also present during the event commending the efforts of the Department, stated that the constant training and support have resulted in the change that can be seen in the quality of the products over the period of a year.
Around 45 women are participating in the ongoing training programme.