LS polls: Suvidha portal gets over 73,000 applications for campaign-related permissions

New Delhi, Apr 7 (PTI) The Election Commission on Sunday said its Suvidha portal has received over 73,000 applications since the Lok Sabha polls were announced, seeking permission for various campaigning activities. The applications submitted by by parties and candidates include requests for booking rally grounds, opening temporary party offices and operating video publicity vans, the EC said.

More than 44,600 requests have been approved with first in-first out principle ensuring level playing field for parties and candidates, it said. Of the total requests received nearly 11,200 or 15 per cent were rejected, and 10,819 applications cancelled as they were invalid or duplicate, the data released by the commission showed. Maximum requests were received from Tamil Nadu (23,239), followed by West Bengal (11,976) and Madhya Pradesh (10,636). The least number of requests so far have been received from Chandigarh (17), Lakshadweep (18) and Manipur (20), the poll authority said. The Suvidha portal has streamlined the process of obtaining permissions and facilities by candidates and parties, it said.

It caters to permissions for organising rallies, booking venues, opening temporary party offices, door-to-door canvassing, video vans, use of helicopters and helipads, obtaining vehicle permits and distributing pamphlets. The EC said offline submission options are also available to ensure inclusivity and equal opportunity for all stakeholders. The permission data available on the portal serves as a valuable resource for scrutinising election expenditures, contributing to greater accountability and integrity in the electoral process, the commission noted. The seven phase elections were announced on March 16 and voting would commence from April 19. The last phase is on June 1.