MEA Joint Secretary Anil Kumar Rai appointed as India’s next ambassador to Ethiopia

New Delhi [India], November 16 (ANI): Anil Kumar Rai has been appointed as the next ambassador of India to Ethiopia, the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement.

Anil Kumar Rai is currently serving as the Joint Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs.

According to the MEA, he “has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.”

Anil Kumar Rai is expected to take up the assignment shortly, the MEA stated.

Historical linkages between India and Ethiopia go back about 2,000 years of recorded history.

According to the MEA, India’s relations with Ethiopia have been traditionally close and friendly. Successive Ethiopian regimes have been appreciative of the fact that India has never been hostile to Ethiopia’s interests.

However, their relations have passed through various phases, largely in response to the change in regimes in Ethiopia.