Mega SVEEP Event held at Town Hall Anantnag

ANANTNAG AUGUST 28: An Awareness programme regarding Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) was organized by Chief Education Officer Anantnag today at Townhall Anantnag.
The event was held under the overall guidance of the District Election Officer.

Speaking on the occasion, Nodal Officer (SVEEP) educated the masses about the importance of voting and their role in the democratic process. They were also informed about the various initiatives taken by the Election Commission of India (ECI) to increase voter turnout and ensure free and fair elections.
The event witnessed active participation of first-time voters, female Voters, Service Voters and other electors. The aim of the event was to promote enthusiastic participation of voters in the upcoming elections to the Legislative Assembly.

At the conclusion of the event, coordinator SVEEP thanked all the participants for attending the program and requested them to carry the message of SVEEP to one and all for greater participation of the voters in the upcoming Assembly Elections.