MP Jugal Kishore Sharma chairs Telephone Advisory Committee meeting in Jammu
JAMMU, 21 March: MP Lok Sabha Jugal Kishore Sharma chaired Telephone Advisory Committee meeting in BSNL Bhawan Rail Head Complex, Bahu Plaza Jammu

MP while chairing the meeting expressed his gratitude to PM Narendra Modi for providing a revival package to BSNL amounting to 1.64 lakh crores and informed the house that BSNL should work efficiently to improve the services provided.
He said that BJP led government in Center is keenly interested to improve the BSNL services and villages have been identified to provide service in rural as well as in urban areas. All possible efforts should be done to saturate areas with BSNL services. He also said that BSNL services should be brought to par with the services of other TSPs.
BSNL officials should work harder to get the maximum benefit out of the provided Revival Package, to win back the trust of the consumers and to get BSNL Revenue Figures positive. That can be achieved only when BSNL Officers adopt customer friendly approach.
During the discussion, MP and TAC members discussed compliance in respect of the Agenda Points of the previous Meeting. MP expressed his dissatisfaction with the Signal issue being faced at the National Highway near IIT Jammu.
Besides MP Sharma, other TAC members Ayodhya Gupta, Jai Ram Sharma, Jangbir Singh and Dev Raj Sharma also attended the meeting. From BSNL side, detailed report regarding the services being provided by BSNL and actions taken by BSNL to improve the services was presented by Principal General Manager Business Area Jammu, Ashok Kumar Angural who gave a brief note of services/telecom facilities being provided by BSNL in all the ten districts of Jammu province.
BSNL Signal issue at Purmandal was also discussed, and swift action was requested regarding the Purmandal Signal issue to cater for the demand of the pilgrims visiting the holy shrine at Purmamdal in connection with the upcoming Mela at the Shrine.
Moreover, the signal issue of NITCO Lane area was also discussed by the TAC members. It was informed to the MP Sharma by PGMT, BA Jammu that a new site has been installed at Dansal, Bajalta and one site has been proposed at Nandini to cover the shadow zones at the National Highway.
PGMT, BA Jammu informed the house that under the 500 days mission of Government of India, all the uncovered villages are to be covered with 4G connectivity. Moreover, FTTH and Air Fiber services have been launched by the BSNL to provide high-speed internet as per the Digital India Mission.
In Phase-1, selected Gram Panchayats Bharat Udhyami Scheme has been launched, by which customers in rural areas can get a Free Modem for FTTH connection. In the next Phase, more Gram Panchayats are to be covered for providing FTTH connections under Bharat Udhyami Scheme.
Moreover, members of TAC also raised the issue of poles and pillars rehabilitation, and signal issues in rural and border areas. In the end, MP Sharma conveyed his satisfaction with the efforts being undertaken by BSNL BA Jammu to improve BSNL services and hoped that the efforts will start to bear fruits by the next financial year.
Other BSNL officials present in the meeting were Sunita Chandra PGM (S&M), Kush Kumar PGM (CM), Naresh Bharti, Rajesh Khanna, S.M. Kale, Pran Nath Raina, Vijay Kumar Sharma, Bhavuk Anand, Chandan Singh Panwar, Sanjeev Kumar, Satyajit Sharma and Rajneesh Kumar Salgotra.