MVD Jammu imposes Rs 8.50 lakh fine for violation of traffic rules
JAMMU, April 28: Motor Vehicles Department, headed by RTO, Jammu Pankaj Bhagotra, has imposed Rs 8.50 lakh fine for the various visible offences under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 during series of Naka checking conducted in past three weeks

The MVD team(s) laid special nakas at different locations along National Highway on April 11, 2023, April 20, 2023 & April 27, 2023 to check the violations.
More than 301 vehicles were checked during the enforcement drive carried out at various locations of National Highway, out of which 71 vehicles were compounded on the spot for Rs 5.18 lakh and 44 other vehicles were challaned for various violations such as violation of route permit, plying without fitness, without Permit, without Speed Limiting Device and protruding of rods, for which Rs 3.32 lakh is expected to be realized. Moreover, the enforcement team has recommended suspension of 9 Driving Licenses of Drivers and one Route Permit of vehicle No. JK02BJ0137.
The enforcement team consisted of Neeraj Sharma, ARTO (Flying Squad), Motor Vehicles Inspectors Rajeev Kundal, Ranjeev Bhasin, and MVTA, other staff.