National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa organises 2-day workshop for Sowa-Rigpa practitioners in Leh
LEH, March 23: The National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa, Leh organised a two-day workshop cum training program for Sowa-Rigpa practitioners of Ladakh on March 22 and 23 at conference hall of NISR, Leh.

Director Health, Medical Education and Ayush, UT Ladakh, Dr Motup Dorjai inaugurated the event on March 22 and Former Chief Amchi, Health Department, Leh, Amchi Tsering Phuntsog was the guest of honour on the occasion.
Director National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa, Leh, Dr Padma Gurmet has presented the keynote address on role of Sowa-Rigpa for public health in Ladakh and importance of reorientation training for upgradation of medical knowledge for Ayush practitioners.
Dr Motup Dorjai expressed his gratitude to Amchis for their services for public health in Ladakh since ages and highlighted the important works carried out for development of Ayush sector particularly Sowa-Rigpa in Ladakh by the UT Administration.
A total of 85 Sowa- Rigpa practitioners from various parts of Ladakh participated in the two day workshop cum training program.
Eminent Doctors and Sowa-Rigpa experts have presented technical presentations on various aspects of public health and Sowa-Rigpa.