Naveen Gupta Of KC Public School Makes A Mark At National Level Science & Technology Platform For Students
Jammu, Nov. 19:VIDYARTHI VIGYAN MANTHAN (VVM) is a national programme for popularising science and technology among school students of standards VI to XI, conceptualised with the intent of identifying “ignited minds”, to use the words of Dr. APJ Kalam, with a scientific aptitude from amongst the student community.

Naveen Gupta, a student of Class 11 at KC Public School has qualified Level 1 (District level) of the VVM and got 1st position in the UT of J&K. He has been invited to be part of the SSTV (Student Science and Technology Village) programme of IISF (India International Science Festival) 2024 to be held at IIT Guwahati, Assam. SSTV is a flagship programme of IISF, designed to engage and inspire the younger generation and will be an integral part of the India International Science Festival, 2024.
Naveen is one of the 60 students from India to have received the official invite from the Government of India to this event by way of encouragement for his continuous achievements in the field of science and technology. IISF 2024 brings in an opportunity to demonstrate the strength and potential of Indian science and technology not only to the people of India but also to the entire international community. The event will consist of various round table conferences , debates , exhibitions , seminars , science parliaments , workshops and innovation challenges with various top scientists , industrialists and scholars from all over the world.
VVM is India’s first open book examination which consists of three stages and the national level winners are awarded cash prizes, monthly stipend and participation in many high profile events organised by the government of India.