NCD, TB screening camps held at Hibrakh, Manjmi Dessa Villages
DODA, JUNE 09: Reaching out to the people at their door steps to provide them better healthcare facilities, the health department on Friday organised a day long NCD and Tuberculosis screening and awareness camps at Village Hibrakh Trown and Manjmi Dessa in Medical Block Ghat District.

The camp was held as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, on the directions of Deputy Commissioner and overall supervision of CMO Doda and BMO Ghat.
More than 300 persons mostly above 30 years of age were examined for NCD as a part of the National Programme for the Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS). The TB screening was also done by the staff and 50 samples of sputum were collected on the occasion for testing.
The health department aims to hold screening camps in every nook and corner of the District to detect NCDs such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer etc and promote preventive healthcare, as screening plays a pivotal role in detecting patients early and treating them effectively.
Dr Mohd Iqbal, Dr Amjad Iqbal, Dr Madiha Arjumand, Dr Nasir Hussain (MLHP), Ajay Singh (MMPHW) and concerned Paramedical Staff besides local ASHAs of the area rendered their services during these camps.