Netanyahu tells US congressional delegation ‘Our victory is your victory’

Tel Aviv [Israel], April 5 (ANI/TPS): Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Thursday at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem met with a Republican US Congressional delegation.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister briefed the delegation on the fighting in the Gaza Strip and answered the Representatives’ questions on defeating the Hamas terrorist organization, the unrelenting efforts to free the hostages and the issue of humanitarian aid.
“I want to thank you for your support,” Netanyahu told them. “There’s a long tradition of the American-Israeli alliance. It’s always been necessary, but it’s more necessary now in the face of the barbarism that we face, that threatens our entire civilization.”

He went on to say that the war in Gaza is a “battle between not only Israel and Hamas, but I would say the axis of Iran, the terror axis of Iran that seeks to put the Middle East back into the Dark Ages and to force a terrible barbarism on us all, really, the Dark Ages, and its proxies, the Houthis, Hamas, Hezbollah and others, and Israel, the moderate Arab states and of course backed by the United States.”
“Everything that you’re hearing in recent years, in recent months, in recent days and in recent hours emphasizes this basic truth,” added Netanyahu. “This is a larger battle. Our battle is your battle. Our victory is your victory. And if we don’t have a victory, this will have enormous implications for American security, for our common future. So we must win.”

The Prime Minister pledged that Israel will win saying, “Victory is within reach. It’s very close, and there is no substitute for victory.”
But, he said, Israel needs the tools to do the job adding, “Give us the tools faster and we’ll finish the job faster. I’m talking about the supplemental. I hope you find a way to give it as fast as you can.”
Netanyahu also said Israel will not accept the attempts to, “force, ram down our throats a Palestinian state, which will be another terror haven, another launching ground for an attempt, as was the Hamas state in Gaza. That is opposed by Israelis, overwhelmingly.”
“I think it’s important, because the people of Israel choose life, and life means security and security means defeating our enemies, but also standing together for our common civilization.”