No dilution in reservation of Gujjar Bakarwals in J&K: BJP

JAMMU, 2 December: The BJP reiterates its commitment with regard to the reservation of the ST community. Er. Gulam Ali Khatana, MP Rajya Sabha, stated that the reservation available to the Gujjars & Bakerwals will not be diluted.

Khatana said this while addressing media persons at party headquarter, alongwith former Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh, former MP Choudhary Talib Hussain, BJP General Secretary Sunil Sharma, BJP senior leader Devinder Singh Rana, ST Morcha President Ch. Roshan Hussain and senior ST leader Arshad Choudhary.

Gulam Ali Khatana said that the Union Home Minister, Amit Shah, had assured a delegation of the Tribal community that the 10% reservation granted to them will not be diluted at any cost. The J&K BJP too stands with the commitment of the Modi government, Khatana said.

The MP said that the ST community in Jammu and Kashmir has suffered for decades during the rule of the Congress, NC and PDP, and their voice was only heard by the Narendra Modi government. This government took a historic decision for the socio-economic upliftment of this section and granted reservation to them.

He recalled that PM candidate Narendra Modi, during Lalkar rally at Jammu in 2013, had publicly announced that after coming to power, his government will deliver justice to the discriminated and deprived sections, with special reference to the STs.

Gulam Ali Khatana said that some elements are trying to mislead the STs that they will not get the benefits of reservation, which is totally false and baseless. He said that the BJP shall continue to take care of the interest of STs and that there is no question of any dilution of the reservation. He asked the STs to trust BJP and not fall prey to the false propaganda unleashed by such political parties which had been taking this community for granted and are now feeling insecure as the STs are shifting their loyalty towards the BJP after having realized that it is the only political party which has real concern for their dignified living.

Ch. Talib Hussain reiterated that BJP will continue to strive for the welfare and development of all sections of population in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly the Tribals and other backward ethnic tribes. He called upon the Gujjars and Paharis of Jammu and Kashmir to strengthen the age-old unity, solidarity and peaceful co-existence. He further said that the desired graph of socio-economic growth and development can only be achieved under strong democracy and the people of our country are proud of the Constitution and leadership, who have ensured the equal and equitable socio-economic development of all the masses irrespective of caste, creed and religion.