NSS Campus, Jammu University organizes induction & orientation program: Releases News Letter & Annual Calendar
JAMMU, April 11: The NSS Volunteers of Campus Unit-VI, University of Jammu organized an Induction cum Orientation Program for newly enrolled NSS volunteers. The Induction cum Orientation Program was conducted under the mentorship of Prof. Umesh Rai, Vice- Chancellor and Chairman NSS, University of Jammu.

News Letter was resealed wherein NSS Volunteers thanked Prof. Umesh Rai, Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor and Chairman NSS, University of Jammu. Prof. Jasbir Singh, Head, Department of Philosophy, University of Jammu was the Chief Guest while Prof. Vishva Raksha, Head, Department of Sociology, University of Jammu and Dr. Daud Iqbal Baba were Guest of Honour. Prof. Mohd. Reyaz Ahmad, Head Department of Urdu and Dr. Hema Gandotra, Program Coordinator NSS, University of Jammu was special guests. Mr Jasvir Singh, District Council, DDC, Udhampur was the Resource Person.
News Letter was released by the esteemed guests. NSS Unit-Iv has come up with an annual calendar which was released in a colourful manner before all the volunteers by the Guests. More than 100 Volunteers participated in this Induction cum Orientation program and received the opportunity to become enrolled in NSS Unit IV as Volunteer. NSS volunteers also performed singling and cultural activities. Singing was performed by Ranju Rani and Group dance were executed by Neha Rani, Preety and Versha from Physical Education department, University of Jammu.
Chief Guest of the program Prof. Jasbir Singh, Head, Department of Philosophy lauded the efforts put in by NSS volunteers and congratulated them for the successful conduction of the event. He interacted with the students and motivated them for coming out to help the society and motivated NSS volunteers for supporting society and reaching to village level. Further Professor Jasbir Singh assured complete support of any kind to NSS Volunteers and Congratulated for the efforts and organizing of this event in a successful manner.
Guest of Honour Prof. Vishva Raksha, Head, Department of Sociology, University of Jammu applauded the volunteers for the sincere work being done for the society. She mentioned about her journey as NSS Volunteer and guided newly enrolled volunteers for working with honest approach and clear thinking. She also discussed with the students about the importance of NSS and its real value for the society.
Mr Jasvir Sing, District Council, DDC, Udhampur delivered motivational lecture and guided the NSS volunteers for the future prospects. Further expressing importance on the role of NSS in the life of the youth, he stressed upon channelizing the youth’s energy though NSS Platform.
Special Guest and Program Coordinator Dr. Hema Gandotra University of Jammu addressed NSS Volunteers and provided them the guidance to progress in life and career through NSS. As a Program Coordinator Dr. Hema Gandotra assured every possible support to NSS volunteers and focussed on the need for community service by the volunteers. She focussed on the need to work with dedication, honesty and truth for the welfare of society.
Prof. Mohd. Reyaz Ahmad, Head Department of Urdu, University of Jammu while speaking on the occasion appreciated the efforts by NSS volunteers of Unit-IV and assured his support to NSS in spirit and action. He spoke on the learning and moral values associated with NSS.
Dr. Daoud Iqbal Baba, Director Sports, University of Jammu, congratulated the entire team and added that the main motive for the Induction program was to spread awareness among the NSS Volunteers and appealed to organize such events regularly. Dr. Meghna Dhar, NSS Programme Officer, Campus Unit-II, University of Jammu, was also present to grace the occasion along with the prominent NSS Unit-IV Volunteers among others who worked for the success of Induction cum orientation were Mannat Sharma, Priya Chib, Ranju Rani, Rajat Sharma, Neha Rani, Komal and Aryan. The program was overall Coordinated by Dr. Mandeep Singh NSS Programme Officer, Campus Unit-IV, University of Jammu.