Numismatics book explores rich history of Indian coins

Mumbai, Apr 21 (PTI) A book tracing the evolution of Indian currency through the ages, based on a meticulously curated collection by Indian American numismatist Dr Navin C Shah, was launched here recently. Shah, a Maryland-based urologist who is the founder, former president, and trustee of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), was present at the launch, along with Ashok Hinduja, Chairman of Hinduja Group of Companies. Shah told PTI that the book, “Coins of India: Circa 6th Century BC – 2022 AD”, explores the rich and diverse history of Indian coins, and offers a glimpse into the country’s fascinating past. The book is about Shah’s collection of over 2,600 rare coins, representing several dynasties, Mughals and British rule. “Our history has no monetary value. We have not preserved our rich and glorious cultural legacy for the new generation. No one bothers about the intrinsic value of the coins and their rule in history and culture,” Shah said. “The book is a comprehensive guide to the rich history of Indian coins, describing the evolution of coinage itself and showing its significance in economic history, the evolution of Indian currency through the ages as well as the cultural and political history of the respective period,” he said. Numismatist Manish Verma, who works with the Hinduja Foundation as the curator of its antiquity collection, is the book’s author. The book meticulously unravels the evolution of Indian coinage and its profound impact on the nation’s economic, cultural, and political fabric across the ages, Shah said. The book contains 327 coin images and illustrations, each accompanied by insightful commentary and maps illustrating India’s numismatic journey.

Each coin showcased in the book narrates a compelling tale, from the old dynasties to the contemporary era, and serves as a timeless portal to the past that transcends the boundaries of time and space, Shah said. “The exploration of Indian coinage is a captivating odyssey through time, revealing the intricate tapestry of our civilization,” he said. “Through numismatics, we embark on a journey that transcends mere currency and delves into stories of conquests, trade, and societal transformations,” he said.

Hinduja said he has always admired Shah’s “exceptional assortment of Indian coins spanning 600 BC to 2022 AD”. Shah said the book will act as a reference manual for historians and numismatists, taking them on a captivating journey through Indian history. Verma said coins play a crucial role as a source of historical information.

“Through these coins, the diverse culture of our country is reflected. They have witnessed the rise and fall of the rulers and the victory and defeat of the state empires,” Verma said. He described Shah’s coin collection, on which the book is primarily based, as truly exceptional, as it includes representative coins from all dynasties and series spanning from 600 BC to 2022 AD.

Most of the coins are in remarkable condition, and the special attraction is punch-marked coins of various Janapadas, he said. “Acquiring such a vast and diverse collection of coins would be nearly impossible for an individual, especially from a different professional background,” Verma noted. “The collection provides a glimpse into the Indian coinage tradition,” he said. “Shah’s collection can be a standalone exhibition that will show the history and culture of India through the medium of coins,” he added. Verma said the book shows the significance of coins in the economic, cultural and political history of the respective period. The book also dwells on the history of Indian coinage tradition, coin minting techniques, and features of Islamic coins. Hinduja Hospital CEO Gautam Khanna and Hinduja Foundation president Paul Abraham also attended the book launch at P D Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre.