OBC Chairman JK Congress Adv Suresh Dogra meets Sh Braj Raj Sharma,State Election Commissioner of UT of J&K

JAMMU, September 12: The OBC Deptt Pradesh Congress Comittee J&K headed by it’s Chairman Adv.Suresh Kumar Dogra met with state Election Commissioner UT of J&K and have submitted a Memorandum seeking political reservation of OBCs of J&K and also Induction of some seats for other backward 

community in forth coming ULB election in J&K. 

Addressing the Media Chairman Adv. Suresh Dogra ,said that we on behalf of the 

OBC community of J&K put forwarded the grievances of OBC community of J&K who have been fight for 

their legal and Constitutional Rights for last three decades as compared

to other states of India.He added that there are 75 wards and out of all these wards all the reserved 

categories are adjusted except the Other backward 

Classes (OBC) , which is the unjust to this deprived 

and under privileged class .Adv Dogra further added that the Hon’ble Supreme Court Of India by notice of its 

judgment dated 10-05-2022 passed certain directions 

which needs to be implemented & complied with in its totality.That in light of the directions passed by the Hon’ble 

Supreme Court of India in the above referred judgment 

dated 10-05-2022 consider & pass appropriate orders in terms of amendment Ad(s) of 2022 providing reservation to OBC category.There are some Selected wards as 2,3,19,15,23. The said wards belong to Jammu District and the same pattern

must be adopted to identify the highly OBC populated Areas, there are many wards which are having highly OBC

populated areas must be considered and given Political reservation.

The   Commissioner Sh.B.R.Sharma took a patient hearing and have assured that the said grievances of the under privileged class must be taken to the concerning higher Authorities for the early redressal of the grievances. 

The prominates who were present there Sh Parshotam 

Mehra VC OBC Deptt, Sh Vijay Verma General 

Secretary OBC Deptt, Jagdish Kashyap District 

Chairman, Ajay Salgotra, Sh. Pawan Kumar, Sh Gharu 

Ram, Raj kumar Khanmotra,Abhishek Dogra, Janak 

Mehra, Ravi mehra , Surjeet Kumar, Sh Surinder 

Sodhi & others