Orientation Program on ’10-Bag Less Days’ concludes at JKSCERT Jammu
JAMMU, July 13: A three day Orientation Programme on ‘Activities for bag-less days and details of fun courses for joyful and experiential learning’ organized from July 11 to July 13, 2023, concluded today at JKSCERT Jammu.

The 10 bag less days is a fun based course envisioned in NEP 2020 to be implemented in schools in order to bridge the gap between the knowledge acquired in classroom and application of the same in day to day life following the practice based curriculum framed by NCERT for bagless days .
This programme was organized by the Department of Art and Vocational Education, Academic Unit –I, JKSCERT Jammu under the mentorship of Prof.(Dr.) Parikshat Singh Manhas ,Director SCERT JK and guidance and supervision of H.R. Pakhroo , Joint Director, SCERT J&K Jammu.
The programme was inaugurated in the presence of N.P. Singh, Associate Professor, Kishore Kumar, Associate Prof, Romi Kumar, Associate Prof., JKSCERT Jammu. Welcome address was given by Romi Kumar, Associate Prof., Head of the Department of Art and Vocational Education, SCERT Jammu .
Addressing the gathering, Kishore Kumar, Associate Prof. stressed upon the dire need to integrate vocational education into school curriculum and expressed that this programme will be helpful in developing aptitude and abilities of participants to implement this fun based course .
The programme was attended by 40 teachers/masters /DIET faculty from 10 districts of Jammu Division. The three day workshop aimed at orienting the teachers regarding the implementation of bagless days in schools following the guidelines issued by PSSCIVE, Bhopal. The programme also focused on sensitizing the stakeholders about activity based learning and vocational education.
Resource persons namely Irvinder Kour, Assistant Professor, SCERT Jammu Division, Pooja Sharma, Sr. Academic Officer, Yogesh Kumar, A.O., Monica Sharma, A.O., Rakesh Chobber, A.O., Sushil Hitaishi, A.O., Dr. Sabeta Kohli, Sr. A.O., Ashok Kumar, A.O., Rakhi Attri. Sr. A.O. SCERT JD., oriented the participants about the importance and provision of bagless days as envisaged in NEP 2020, development of Annual Work Plan, methodology and suggestive hands on activities to promote dignity of labour and self-employment among students including Children with Special Needs.
The training programme was coordinated by Sabah Rasheed, A.O, SCERT Jammu. She was assisted by Pooja Sharma, Sr. A.O, JKSCERT Jammu. Yogesh Kumar, A.O. was the technical coordinator. The organizing team included Mtr. Nahida Anjum, Manisha Chun, Ms Manju Choudhary and Pratibha Jamwal.
The programme concluded with a valedictory speech by Kishore Kumar, Associate Professor, SCERT Jammu. Vote of thanks was presented by Sabah Rasheed, A.O., coordinator of the programme.